First, before you invent a skin, you are born with a skin; second, you can make a skin when you have one.
Eco-operations addresses these emerging aesthetic ecologies and new technologies of cooperation that both challenge and shape a sustainable future
Constellations of different instances of withdrawal, ranging from passivity, failure, and refusal to disappearance and remembrance and to resilience and resistance.
33 Bücher für ein anderes Belarus
Künstlerische und theoretische Positionen zu Reproduktion und Kommunikation, Geschlecht und Gattung, Sendung und Empfängnis.
This issue explores practices of human and non-human substitution.
"We" is neither addition nor juxtaposition of a number of "I"
from myself / to myself / who is it that comes / and who is it that goes?
“The excessive leaps of our gaseous form around a halt...”
On the very make-up of the United Fruit Company’s neocolonial plantation machine
The politics of the becoming-life of art and the politics of the resistant form.
The human face has not yet found its face.
Today, it has become a truism that capital circulates, that data, populations and materials flow, that money offers liquidity.
Art by definition produces unclear messages, but that’s its freedom.
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