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Bernd Bösel

is a scholarship-holder at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and fellow at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Publications: with Patrick Baur and Dieter Mersch (eds.): Die Stile Martin Heideggers (2013); with Eva Pudill and Elisabeth Schäfer (eds.): Denken im Affekt (2010); Philosophie und Enthusiasmus – Studien zu einem umstrittenen Verhältnis (2008).

Other texts by Bernd Bösel for DIAPHANES
  • affects
  • media studies
  • body
  • media theory
  • knowledge
  • politics
  • gender
  • affective computing
  • epistemology
  • psycho-cybernetics
  • Cybernetics
  • aesthetics
  • temporality
  • perception