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Fabian Goppelsröder

Fabian Goppelsröder

studied philosophy and history in Berlin and Paris before he went to do his PhD at the Comparative Literature Department of Stanford University (CA) entitled »Kalendergeschichte and fait divers. The poetics of circumscribed space«. Since 2011 he has held a postdoc position at the DFG research training group »Visibility and Visualisation. Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge« at Potsdam.

Other texts by Fabian Goppelsröder for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2013
    Sichtbarkeiten 1: Erscheinen, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2009
    Wittgenstein - Philosophie als »Arbeit an Einem selbst« (Hg. mit Gunter Gebauer und Jörg Volbers), München, Fink
  • 2007
    Zwischen Sagen und Zeigen, Bielefeld, Transcript
  • aesthetics
  • literature
  • media theory
  • art
  • practice
  • images
  • showing
  • aisthesis
  • visual thinking
  • invisibility
  • media studies
  • mediality
  • art theory
  • Wittgenstein