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Fiona Siegenthaler

Fiona Siegenthaler is a researcher in the interdisciplinary field of contemporary (African) art, performance, and visual culture. Following her PhD (2012) on Imageries of Johannesburg. Visual Arts and Spatial Practices in a Transforming City, she was an Assistant Professor at the chair for Social Anthropology at the University of Basel (2012–2018) and the coordinator of the research project Art/Articulation: Art and the Formation of Social Space in African Cities, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (2015–2019). In the framework of this project, she conducted post-doctoral research on the relationship between art practice and social space in Kampala, Uganda, followed by a Fulbright Visiting Scholarship in 2018 at Columbia University, New York. She is a Research Associate at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Basel—where she also lectures at the Institute for Art History—and at the Visual Identities, Art, and Design Research Center at the University of Johannesburg. She is a board member of the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) and a founding member of the Research Network of the Center for African Studies. She has published widely, including co-edited special issues of Critical Interventions, Social Dynamics, Visual Anthropological Review, Papers on Political Transformations, Tsantsa, and contributions in various edited volumes as well as journals including African Arts, Research in African Literatures and Critical Arts.
Other texts by Fiona Siegenthaler for DIAPHANES
  • politics
  • artistic practice
  • rhetoric / elocution
  • resistance
  • contemporary art
  • global ecology