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Florian Sprenger

Florian Sprenger

studied Media Studies and Philosophy at the Universities of Bochum and Weimar. He was research assistant with the department of »Sinne – Technik – Inszenierung« at Vienna University (2007–2010) and Junior Fellow at the international research center on cultural studies IFK, Vienna (2010–2012). He has since been postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. His research focus is on the history of knowledge in media studies, on the research history of 18th-century electricity and concepts of the future.

Other texts by Florian Sprenger for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2014
    Die Enden des Kabels. Kleine Mediengeschichte der Übertragung (Hg. mit Daniel Gethmann), Berlin, Kadmos
  • 2012
    Medien des Immediaten – Elektrizität, Telegraphie, McLuhan, Berlin, Kadmos
  • 2009
    »Sternenstaub – Zur Anschaulichkeit elektrischer Phänomene um »Gefährdungen der Zukunft«, in: Lorenz Engell, Bernhard Siegert und Joseph Vogl (Hg.), Gefahrensinn. Archiv für Mediengeschichte 9, München, Fink
  • architecture
  • ecology
  • media studies
  • anthropology
  • social media
  • anthropocene
  • history of media
  • History of photography
  • media ecology
  • celebrities
  • algorithms
  • photography
  • history of science
  • data
  • digital media