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Isabell Lorey

teaches political theory, cultural studies and gender studies at Humboldt-University Berlin and Vienna University. Among other things she had an assistant professorship for gender and postcolonial studies at University of Arts Berlin and was a news editor at german television.

Other texts by Isabell Lorey for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2012
    Die Regierung der Prekären, Wien, Turia + Kant
  • 2011
    Figuren des Immunen. Elemente einer politischen Theorie, Zürich, Diaphanes
  • 1996
    Immer Ärger mit dem Subjekt, Tübingen, Ed. Diskord
  • community
  • politics
  • social movements
  • exodus
  • queer theory
  • Giorgio Agamben
  • social networks
  • political theory
  • biopolitics
  • post-structuralism
  • feminism
  • democracy
  • post-workerism
  • precariat