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Jens Andermann

is a Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University. He was previously Chair of Latin American Studies at the University of Zurich. He is the author of several books. His monograph Tierras en trance is forthcoming in 2017.
Other texts by Jens Andermann for DIAPHANES
  • English
  • 2018
  • 2011
    New Argentine Cinema, London, I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd
  • 2006
    Images of Power: Iconography, Culture and the State in Latin America (with William Rowe), Oxford & New York, Berghahn
  • american
  • 2007
    The Optic of the State , Pittsburgh, University Press
  • Spanish
  • 2000
    Galerias del progreso. Museos, exposiciones y cultura visual en America Latina (with Beatriz González Stephan), Buenos Aires, Beatriz Viterbo
  • cultural critic
  • ecology
  • photography
  • aesthetics
  • architecture
  • archive
  • Caribbean
  • cultural studies
  • art theory
  • history of media
  • capitalism