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Jörg Scheller

is an art historian, journalist, musician, and lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts. He studied Art History, Philosophy, Media Art, and English Literature. In 2013 he curated the Salon Suisse at the Biennial in Venice. As singer and bass player of the metal duo Malmzeit he runs a heavy metal delivery service since 2003.

Other texts by Jörg Scheller for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2012
    Arnold Schwarzenegger oder Die Kunst ein Leben zu stemmen, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag
  • 2010
    No Sports! Zur Ästhetik des Bodybuildings, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag
  • Aby Warburg
  • cultural journalism
  • art
  • Georges Bataille
  • globalization
  • digital media
  • Bologna Accord
  • culture industry
  • theory of the image
  • cultural practice
  • artistic research
  • digitalization
  • algorithms
  • exhibition
  • digital culture