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Antonin Artaud: “A Sinister Assassin” and “The Human Face”

Book launch with Stephen Barber and artistic guest contributions

30.09.2023, 19:00
Espace DIAPHANES Berlin, Dresdener Str. 118, 10999 Berlin

Book presentation by Stephen Barber in conversation with Marie Glassl followed by a reading from “The Human Face" and “A Sinister Assassin” from Antonin Artaud and four artistic interventions in relation to Artaud's work:


A virtual video-introduction to “A Sinister Assassin” by Patti Smith.


Presentation of sound pieces inspired by Artauds writings and notebooks:


“Moonchild” by John Zorn, composed in connection to “A Sinister Assassin.”


“The Last Note of Antonin Artaud,” a sound piece by joerxworx and xian3, directly inspired by Artaud's last notebook.


Screening of “Being and its Fetuses...,” a proposed interpretation of numerous symbols within a single drawing of Antonin Artaud, as well as “Sinister Assassin”—two short films by artist Richard Hawkins created in response to “The Human Face” and “A Sinister Assassin.”


Exhibition opening of several of Richard Hawkinsʼ Artaud-inspired ceramics and drawings (in cooperation with Galerie Buchholz), accessible to the audience also after the event.



THe Human Face






Drawing by Antonin Artaud (from the book “The Human Face”)
Film still from the short film by Richard Hawkins
Richard Hawkins, “Ascension of the Shamane,” 2016. Courtesy Richard Hawkins & Galerie Buchholz

Antonin Artaud

Antonin Artaud

(1896–1948) is one of the seminal figures of twentieth century writing, art and sound experimentation, known especially for his work with the Surrealist movement, his performance theories, his asylum incarcerations, and his artworks which have been exhibited in major exhibitions, at New York’s MOMA and many other art-museums.