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Gabriele Gramelsberger

Gabriele Gramelsberger

is Professor for Theory of Science and Technology at the RWTH Aachen University. Her current research focus is on the digitalization of science and research as well as on the machine epistemology of artificial intelligence.

Other texts by Gabriele Gramelsberger for DIAPHANES
  • English
  • 2020
    Natures of Data, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2011
  • German
  • 2009
    Computerexperimente. Zum Wandel der Wissenschaften im Zeitalter des Computers , Bielefeld, Transcript
  • 2009
    Climate Change and Policy – The Calculability of Climate Change and the Challenge of Uncertainty (Hg. mit Johann Feichter), Heidelberg, Springer
  • contemporary art
  • history of technology
  • art theory
  • theory of science
  • art
  • war
  • computer science
  • biology
  • action
  • history of science
  • computer
  • computer simulation
  • programming / coding
  • converging technologies
  • cyberwar