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Marietta Kesting: Trance, Rave, Ritual – The Museum of Trance in Haiti
Trance, Rave, Ritual – The Museum of Trance in Haiti
(p. 199 – 212)

Marietta Kesting

Trance, Rave, Ritual – The Museum of Trance in Haiti

PDF, 14 pages

  • artistic practice
  • contemporary art
  • imagination
  • occultism

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Marietta Kesting

holds the position of junior professor for media theory at the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich since April 2016. She studied photography, film, cultural studies and media theory at Bennington College, USA and Humboldt University, Berlin. From 2008 to 2011 she was a researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and from 2014–2016 researcher at the interdisciplinary laboratory Image|Science|Gestaltung at Humboldt University. Her PhD Affective Images of Post-Apartheid. Documentary Perspectives on Migration, Xenophobia and Gender in South African Film and Photography (2015) was funded by the DFG and nominated for the Humboldt-Award. From 2015 to 2018 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, in the FWF project ‘A Matter of Historicity. Material Practices in Audiovisual Art’. She curated the photography exhibit ‘Now you see me, now you don’t’ for the National Theatre of Mannheim and directed several essayistic films. Kesting is part of the publishing collective b_books, Berlin since 2004 and has become a member of the editorial board of FKW journal for visual culture and gender studies in 2017. She writes for Texte zur Kunst, Social Dynamics and FKW // Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur, among others. A recent publication is "Changing Visual Politics in South Africa," in Anne Graefer, Media and the Politics of Offence (2019).
Other texts by Marietta Kesting for DIAPHANES
Susanne Witzgall (ed.): Reale Magie

Susanne Witzgall (ed.)

Reale Magie

Softcover, 264 pages

PDF, 264 pages

Gerade in den westlichen Gesellschaften lässt sich derzeit ein erneutes und sehr lebendiges Interesse an magischen Prak­tiken und okkultem Wissen beobachten. Das Magische und Okkulte scheint sich derzeit nicht nur zu einem gesamt­gesellschaftlichen Populärphänomen zu entwickeln, sondern wird auch im akademisch-wissenschaftlichen Bereich intensiv diskutiert. Das Buch »Reale Magie« untersucht die gegenwärtige Realität des Magischen und die Wiederentdeckung von Magie und Okkultismus in den Künsten, den Wissenschaften und der Alltagskultur. Es fragt nach den aktuellen westlichen Residuen und Praxisformen von Magie, nach möglichen Potentialen magischen Denkens in einer weitgehend von ökonomisierter Zweckrationalität bestimmten Welt, aber auch nach den Kehr­seiten des Okkulten.

Mit Beiträgen von: Carl Abrahamsson, Melanie Bonajo, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Mariechen Danz, Demdike Stare (Miles Whittaker und Sean Chanty), Karianne Fogelberg, Susan Greenwood, Christoph Keller, Marietta Kesting, Verena Kuni, Annika Lundgren, Kadri Mälk, Jussi Parikka, Marco Pasi, Kerstin Stakemeier, Michael Taussig, Jeremy Wade, Susanne Witzgall.
